Sarah McLachlan August 27, 1992 Club Bene Sayreville, New Jersey, United States
Drawn To The Rhythm Back Door Man Home Lost Shelter Elsewhere Out Of The Shadows I Will Not Forget You [tape flip at end] The Path Of Thorns Black Into The Fire Steaming [tape whirr at end from pause] band intro Vox
Recording location: dead center, foot of the stage
The extended beginning to the first track was cropped by the taper to allow the show to fit onto a single 80 minute CD-R.
1 CD Audience Analog Audience Master Aiwa CM-S20 > Aiwa HS-J800 (mic in, autogain) > cassette master cassette master > Sony TC-RX370 > SB16 > Cool Edit 96 (fades) > mkwACT > shn > mkwACT > wav > FLAC 1.1.1 (level 8, sector alignment) FLAC 80 min B+